Write Your Undiscovered Self - 5 week online course with Dr Rachel Newsome (£130)

Rachel Newsome Mar24

Schedule & Booking

  • Date: 30/10/2024
  • Teacher: Rachel Newsome
  • Price: £130.00

Wednesday Oct 30th

Wednesday Nov 6th

Wednesday Nov 13th

Wednesday Nov 20th

Wednesday Nov 27th



Book Workshop

Write Your Undiscovered Self with Dr Rachel

According to Jungian psychoanalysis, deep beneath our everyday awareness we all have an undiscovered self who is the creative, animating and healing inner life-force behind our intuition, imagination and dreams. It is through learning to attune to the embodied wisdom of our undiscovered self that we can experience this deeper level of reality as an expansive cosmological web in which everything and everyone is connected. In this way, we can create the necessary conditions for living more fully, authentically and meaningfully.

Write Your Undiscovered Self is a five-week course grounded in Jungian psychology led by Dr Rachel where you will learn how writing and imagination can be used as a tool to support transformative growth.

The focus of the programme is on process, rather than outcome, and on what comes up in the writing, rather than craft, skills and technique. This means that you don’t need any previous writing experience to benefit from the course and there will be no pressure to read anything out. All you need is a spirit of adventure and curiosity!


Week 1 Write Your Undiscovered Self Introduction

Week 2 Write Your Undiscovered Child Self

Week 3 Write Your Undiscovered Great Self

Week 4 Write Your Undiscovered Shadow Self

Week 5 Write Your Undiscovered Future Self

Sessions will include:

An accessible introduction to key Jungian concepts including the collective unconscious, the archetypes & active imagination.

Short writing exercises that will last approximately between 5 and 15 minutes.

Discussion in small groups focused on what comes up in the writing rather than the writing itself.

To help you get the most from the course, each week you’ll receive a worksheet with exercises to explore in your own time. The suggested time allocation to leave aside for the worksheets is 1-2 hours a week.

A note about self-care

Although Write Your Undiscovered Self is therapeutic, it’s not therapy so you are encouraged to go at your own pace and engage with the material at a level that feels right for you.

About Dr Rachel

I’m a Jungian-based writer and teacher with a PhD in applying Jungian psychoanalysis to creative writing. I have background in the media and academia as an Editor of the arts and culture magazine Dazed & Confused and a Lecturer in Higher Education with twenty years teaching experience, respectively. I’m the founder of Depth Writing With Dr Rachel – a holistic creative learning programme underpinned by Jungian psychoanalysis that uses writing and imagination to support transformative growth. I’m an HEA Associate and an Editorial Board Member of the London Arts-Based Research Centre. I’m passionate about helping others tap into the unconscious and untether creativity and love diving deep.

Find writing resources here


And more information here


Enquiries: newsomerachelelizabeth@gmail.com

Co-creating a supportive space

By attending this course, you are agreeing to the following:

Everyone matters and has a right to be heard.

Everyone has the right to feel safe.

Everyone has a right to confidentiality – what is said in the group stays in the group.