Ask the Expert: about trending health tracking devices Q&A - ONLINE


Schedule & Booking

  • Date: 17/09/2024
  • Teacher: Mirthe Eckl
  • Price: £10.00

Tue 17th Sep

6pm - 7pm

The presentation will be recorded, but not the Q&A part

Book Workshop

Which are worth investing in, and how best to use them to upgrade health, metabolism and longevity

Health optimisation has been getting a lot of attention in the media lately, with gadgets like Zoe blood sugar monitoring, gut testing and others receiving VC (venture capital) backing and large marketing budgets. You might be considering getting one or more of them to test your health at home, but aren’t sure which and how?

Join our in house Functional Medicine expert Mirthe Eckl for a webinar, where she will briefly explain the main principles behind gut health, blood sugar, inflammation and how they relate to longevity and health optimisation, and which testing options are out there.

This is followed by a Q&A session where you get a chance to ask anything you’d like to know about health optimisation and testing. The session will be recorded in case you cannot make the live session.